As a learning community, STARR CAMP will expose your student to the dispositions of a reflective, responsible learner. These dispositions are listed below
Sticking to a task even though you want to give up. Seeing the task to completion.
Initiating attention, Sustaining attention, Inhibiting attention, and Shifting attention.
Thinking Flexibly
Being able to change your mind. Approaching a problem from a different perspective.
Listening with Understanding and Empathy
Seeking to understand others. Putting your own thoughts on hold to better understand another’s perspective.
Thinking About Thinking (Metacognition)
Knowing how you know. Being aware of the ways in which you think and approach problems.
Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations
Using what you have learned. Transferring knowledge beyond the context in which it was learned.
Striving for Accuracy
Working towards excellence, elegance, and craftsmanship.
Gathering Data Through All Senses
Participating and learning actively through touch, sight, smell, taste, and hearing.
Seeking Clarity
Questioning and posing problems. Identifying what knowledge or strategies a problem requires to be solved or clarified.
Creating, Imagining, and Innovating
Trying things a different way. Thinking novel thoughts and following through with them.
Responding with Wonderment and Awe
Being inspired by the world’s beauty and phenomena.
Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision
Being clear. Striving for accurate communication in both written and oral form. Communicating with the audience in mind.
Parent information
Policies and Procedures
Please ensure that the names of persons authorized to collect your student have been listed on your registration form. Anyone who comes to collect your student, for the first time, must present a valid form of identification. While it may be an inconvenience, this is to ensure the safety of your student. Remember camp ends at 3:00pm and your child must be collected at this time unless arrangements have been made for after-camp supervision.
Your child will have a ravenous appetite during camp. Lunch, a healthy snack and water must be provided for your student daily. Lunch is on sale at camp so you may want to send your child with a snack and water and have them purchase lunch. If you wish to order lunch, please complete the order form and return ,along with payment, to the office. You have the option to pay weekly.
Our student teacher ratio at all levels will be no more than 10 to 1 and in some instances less than this. Our small class size will allow for small group instruction and one-on-one engagement with the teacher. A youth volunteer will also be assigned to each class.
While this is a three-week vacation camp and not regular school, your child will get out of the camp as much as his/her attendance will allow. Students are expected to attend sessions daily. When a student is or will be absent, the parent/guardian must notify the school by calling the school’s office at 622-7206 or the camp director at 396-7492.
At STARR CAMP, we take the health of each student seriously. If your child is ill, please keep him/her at home. This is in the best interest of all concerned. If it is a prolonged illness, more than one week, a doctor’s letter must be presented. With that letter, an adjustment to the tuition will be made.
Your child’s safety is critical to his/her camp experience. The gates will be closed at 8:30am and will be reopened at 2:30pm. Mr. Wayne/ Mr. Lara will be stationed at the guard booth to reopen as necessary.
Unless special arrangements have been made with the Camp Director, the payment of ALL fees must be completed by the end of the first week of STARR CAMP or your student will not be allowed to return the second week. The unfortunate delinquency of parents in the past necessitates the rigid enforcement of this policy.
For fun, friendship and exploration adventure
- Summer 2024 Application Deadline:
- JULY 9th 2024